The irisTECH project aims to develop a novel, useful and low cost system for variable rate application of fertilizer in row crops with emphasis on the cultivation of cotton

Real time

On-the-Go Vra
The analysis of the fertilization need and the application of fertilizer happen in real time, with localized and specific dosages.
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Nowadays, variable rate applications of fertilized are provided to farmers via the following services/solutions:

Satellite images

Satellite images

From multispectral sensors in combination with a smart A.I. system



Pre application flight to detect problematic areas and correlate them with fertilization needs

Smart Sensors

Smart Sensors

Creation of prescription maps based on sensor data

Despite the extended use of the solutions above, there are critical obstacles on their implementation during farming :



αnd purpose of the project

The irisTECH project aims to develop a novel, user-friendly and low budget system for variable rate applicatio of fertilizer for row crops with emphasis on the cultivation of cotton. The functionality of the system is based on the operation of a multispectral sensor in combination with a smart A.I. system and a row fertilizer hopper that uses specialised electronics that are commanded via a GPS enabled display.

The combined function of all the smart subsystems above, allows the real time identification of plant nutrition needs and on the go adjustment of fertilization rates for every spot of the field.

Τελευταία Νέα

The Future of Agriculture is here

This project is implemented under the framework RESEARCH-CREATE-INNOVATE and is co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund of the European Union and national funds via the research program Competitiveness, Entrepreneurship & Innovation (research program number: Τ2ΕΔΚ-02936)
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